Being known and loved

Finding fun and fullness together

Living with joy in a true story
What We Do
A place to meet new people and consider what's important: who we are and how to live with purpose and hope, love others well, and process the daily news

The Conversation Forum
A different kind of dialogue. We aim to foster humble and generous listening and speaking about the critical issues of our time and the perennial questions that lie behind them.

Activity Groups
Friends doing life together. Groups might play a sport or game, pursue a pressing question, take up a hobby, discuss a good book, or develop a spiritual practice.
What are we here for?
The world is rapidly connecting, changing, and innovating. It's also increasingly complex, confusing, and polarized. For many of us, cultural changes are creating questions about what to think, who to believe, and how to live. We're bombarded by information, but wisdom is hard to find. There are many voices, but we don't know whom to trust. We're immersed in affluence, but we long for significance. We're surrounded by self-help gurus, but we can't find joy. We're wired to social media, but we often feel alone. What are we to make of all this?
What if there were a place to navigate the chaotic seas of young adulthood and emerge with hope and conviction? What if there were folks who've gone further down the road who were eager to listen to our stories and share their hard-won wisdom? What if there were a space to press into our questions and learn together with friends and fellow-travelers?
Flourish Young Adults is a community that's aiming to think deeply and act wisely in our complex and challenging world. We're a place to be known and loved as you are, share fun experiences, ask big questions that don't have easy answers, and form deep friendships that will sustain us as we seek to live lives of meaning and purpose.
Perhaps you'd like to join us?